Tuesday, October 24, 2006

OCT 2006 Fall Issue


Hurry, Hurry, Hurry READ ALL ABOUT IT!!

Click here to get newsletter

Let me know what you think! If you would like to contribute to a future newsletter or be a permanant contributer let me know! If you have a pattern to share or a story we need you!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Space "Whats the Big Deal"

So many people are bashing myspace and because the news batrays bad people that may be members of myspace! Does it really mean that all who use it are bad?

Well if you will not join your charity because you are afraid of people like that then you are really mislead. Our charity are proud members of myspace.com. We joined and I promote our charity on myspace. There are so many untouched crafters there who are falling all over themselves to help. Who have never heard of charities like ours! Well HAIN feels like no matter what you beleive if your willing to help us help others then we will reach out to touch you whereever you are. I suppose if Christ only hung around the Holy then who would need to be touched!
Well having that attitude we have not only met some of the most amazing people but have found that 100's of other Orgnizations and minitries are also using myspace as a tool to reach the hurting! Yes hundreds maybe thousands! Ok another way to look at it is "no matter where you go you will find bad people" so does that mean you shouldn't get on the computer! No its how you use the computer as a tool for your purpose! Do I allow my children on myspace, yes with me because you have to really seek out the bad to get the bad. And besides there is a ban option for banning people you do not want.
Myspace is as personal, fun, and good as you make it yourself! You can have a page of all Christian based or whatever your design option you chose to make it! Ok so you have to learn how to copy html codes thats not hard once you learn it!
So really its the fear of the unknown that bothers you! Well Then maybe you should live in fear and not reach out to many who are willing to be a big part of minitries like ours. But we have had way over 60 new members with in a short 3 months time join HAIN! Because HAIN is here to reach out to others in need, we are not to good and above anyone. Were just here to serve!
Here is a few pictures of 1 myspace friend of things she donated!!

Pictures of Items Virginia M. Donated Oct 17, 2006 (HTML codes off of Photobucket)
Burial Gown with Bonnet and Booties
URL: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j124/HAINMOM/Weddinggownand2promgowndonationsand.jpg
Tag: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Boy Sweater with hat and booties (She donated 2 sets like this)
URL: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j124/HAINMOM/Weddinggownand2promgowndonations-1.jpg
Tag: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Girl Sweater Sets with hat and booties (She actually donated 3 sets all together)
URL: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j124/HAINMOM/Weddinggownand2promgowndonations-3.jpg
URL: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j124/HAINMOM/Weddinggownand2promgowndonations-2.jpg
Hats (She actually donated 4 hats all together)
URL: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j124/HAINMOM/Weddinggownand2promgowndonations-4.jpg
She also donated 3 infant afghans

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A HAIN volunteer

We have a wonderful lady named Anna Vandenhazel. She is a great volunteer and she lives in Utah and every year comes to see her mom who lives in the same town as we do. Anyway I took a few pictures and wanted to share with you!

This is Me (Mary) and Anna!!

Infant Loss Awareness month

Please watch
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15227236/Please write the msnbc to give a voice to infant loss

Please send their brochure to hospitals near you

They take professional photographs of a baby whom passed away or is passing away free to parents.
To help our organization give burial garments, memory boxes, caskets to parents who cannot afford to bury their baby.We even accept wedding gowns, prom gowns and other material type to make burial garments out of.

We need sewn, knitted, crochet burial garments!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Garbage Bag Holder

Materials: Bernat 100% Cotton yarns (or other types you prefer)
Size 8 Circular Knit needles.

CO 70 stitches (If you decide for a long tube instead of the short round then CO less stitches making sure its an even amount) Put a marker or use a different color yarn to seperate the beg row from the end.

Since this is worked in the round you do not need to purl stitches it will be stockenette with just knitting each row.

Knit 2 rows
(eyelet row)then Knit 2 tog, YO, Knit 1. Repeat until end of row.
Then knit all rows until the bag holder is the size you prefer. I made mine about 10 to 14 inches.
Then when the holder is the size I prefer
you Do another eyelet row.
Then knit 2 more rows.
then BO all stitches across.

Make 2 chains (Top chain needs to be longer)(crochet, by hand or whatever way you prefer) weave a chain in the top eyelet row and the bottom. The bottom eyelet row you genetly leave loose so you can pull your bags through it (make tie close to bag)and with the top chain you weave through and lightly tie towards the top of the bag making it where you can hang the bag. So make it where you can tie and untie as needed to hang it where you choose. Weave in ends..

Load the garbage bags in the top (wal-mart bags) If your using this in babies room, kitchen or even the bathroom to use for a washcloth holder its up to you have fun with it!