Saturday, December 23, 2006

A donation I recieved

These are just a few beautiful items a wonderful HAIN volunteer made for babies in need. There were more in the box, it was such a pleasure to receive this donation I know will bless the families of these babies! Thank you Virginia for caring so much about others in need!!!
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Thursday, December 21, 2006


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Heavenly Angels in Need charity is here to serve all babies, children and their families in need. We knit, crochet, sew, craft and more to try and fill every need possibleWe serve Children's hospitals, hospitals with Neonatal Intensive care units, Pregnancy Crisis Centers, Shelters, Foster care, emergent situations and more. We are helping grieving families by supplying them with much needed burial and memorial items. We give clothing, blankets, hats, booties, care bags, and more to all babies and children in need. We are reaching out to the World sharing the Love of God through giving. Heavenly Angels in Need mission is to help every baby and child who need.

If you have an Ebay account you can sell to help our charity!! Here is the link to go to on ebay and then pick our registered charity on Mission Fish/Ebay

Heavenly Angels in Need (search for us)

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Buy or sell on eBay to support Heavenly Angels in NeedClean out your closet and help Heavenly Angels in Need touch the lives of babies and children in need all over the world.

EBay users: Here's a new way to give!

If you do not want to Ebay to help HAIN but have a credit/debit card and want a safe secure way of donating finances to a federally recognized 501 c 3 charity please donate to Heavenly Angels in Need through click on the button below to donate to HAIN

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Thank you for helping a good cause!

Sincerely, Mary Glynn

We offer a receipt so please hurry before this year ends!